You will be amazed to know that there is a simple drink which can burn 1 cm of stomach fat every day. So, do you want to reduce the excess belly fat?
This drink will not only reduce the abdominal fat but it will also help to improve your eyesight and hearing capability along with brain functioning.
For maximum benefits, you can use this drink with the combination of cardio exercises as well as regular training.
Here is the Recipe to Melt Stomach Fat:
You need:
Horseradish- 125g
Lemons- 4
Ginger- 2 cm
Honey- 3 tablespoons
Cinnamon- 2 tablespoons
Take 125 g of horseradish with 2 cm of ginger and blend it using a food processor.
Squeeze the lemon and add the juice into the combination of ginger and horseradish.
Now, add 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of cinnamon to the mixture.
Mix the syrup well for some time.
Take 1 tablespoon of this syrup twice every day before meals.
Use this remedy regularly for 3 weeks to see the remarkable effects.
Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger is a full of bioactive compounds and nutrients which are very beneficial to our health and functioning of the brain. Due to the presence of gingerol it has gained the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are very effective to cure many health issues.
The aroma and spice in ginger juice are very useful to provide relief from vomiting and nausea post-surgery and chemotherapy. It is also beneficial to get rid of morning sickness women suffer during pregnancy.
Health Benefits of Horseradish
Horseradish also consists of many health benefits. It successfully eliminates the bacteria which lead to salmonella, dysentery, tuberculosis, but it also kills the parasites in the body.
It has wondrous effects in stimulating the secretion of intestinal juices as well as secretion of the stomach along with pancreatic enzyme which helps to improve the digestive. It works well to improve blood circulation and functioning of heart and liver. It is a natural diuretic and thus cures the rheumatic’s issue.
The list of health benefits of horseradish does not end here. This miraculous ingredient also helps to get rid of respiratory disorders, flu, urinary tract infections and tonsillitis. It cleanses the body and improves the metabolism of the body. It is very useful to reduce the fatigue and boost the proliferation of gut bacteria.
This vegetable is low in fat and calories whereas it has a high content of minerals, vitamins, fiber and anti-oxidants. It is a rich source of potassium, sodium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc and magnesium.
It has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which make it suitable to heal the diseases.
Horseradish can boosts the immune system due to the abundant level of vitamin C in it. This makes it suitable to fight the viral infection and remove the free radicals. Thus, it is a full package which protects the body from inflammation, infection as well as cancer.