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103 Year Old Japanese Doctor Reveals the Secret to Long and Healthy Life

The oldest Japanese doctor, Shigeaki Himohara, claims that his healthy lifestyle is the secret of his long life span.

He is 103 years old but he looks much younger, and his body weight (60 kilos) hasn’t changed for many years.  He says that the key to healthy and long life is proper nutrition.

Here are his principles:

Food is the most important

The doctor`s breakfast consists of one banana and a glass of fruit juice combined with a tablespoon of olive oil, or a glass of milk with lentil powder. Olive oil has a number of health benefits and is especially beneficial for your cardiovascular system and skin. Furthermore, his lunch consists of a glass of milk along with 2-3 biscuits. Himohara`s dinner includes of fruits, a little bit fish with rice, and 90 grams of fat meat two times in a week.


The Japanese doctor thinks that it is very important to feel positive energy. In this case, people do not have the need to eat or sleep. He explains this with the example of little kids who when are excited forget to eat and sleep. Furthermore, he claims that when people love their job and have healthy relationships with their friends and family, they feel complete and do not have the need to follow strict diet rules or sleeping hours.

Live fast and have positive thoughts about the future

The doctor claims that busy lifestyle is in fact very beneficial since it keeps you active in life. Also, he recommends that you should not retire early, at least not before you are 65.

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