Fibromyalgia is a disease that affects over 5 million people in the United States, with the numbers continuing to grow. And because many of its symptoms are misunderstood, many patients suffer long before they receive adequate treatment.
However, there are certain symptoms that stand out above the rest. While almost all of the symptoms are immensely uncomfortable, others can be downright debilitating. If you have any or all of the following symptoms, it may be time to speak with a specialist.
1. Chronic Fatigue
The majority of those suffering with fibromyalgia experience chronic fatigue. They may feel as though they are constantly tired, no matter how much sleep that they have gotten, and while feeling tired can be normal, feeling that way constantly is not.
2. Constant Gastrointestinal Issues
While many would consider fibromyalgia to be physically debilitating for the muscles and nerves, it can also cause issues with your gastrointestinal system as well. If you are constantly experiencing nausea, irritable bowel issues, constipation and abdominal pain, it may be time to seek medical assistance.
3. Feeling Foggy and Confused
Many specialists refer to this a fibro fog. While everyone can be forgetful from time to time, if you are experiencing increasing symptoms of short-term memory loss, this could be a sign of fibromyalgia.
4. Numbness and Tingling
Typically, fibromyalgia is accompanied by neurological symptoms including numbness, tingling and burning. If you find that you are constantly experiencing feelings of numbness and tingling, you may need to speak to your doctor.
5. Disturbed Sleep Patterns
If you feel as though you are constantly waking up unrested, or are tossing and turning on a regular basis, you could be experiencing an imbalance in sleep chemicals caused by fibromyalgia.
6. Experiencing Tender Points
When fibromyalgia begins to develop, patients report that they begin to feel ‘tender points’ , or spots located throughout their body that are extremely sensitive to touch.
7. Sensitivity to Scents
In the same manner that fibromyalgia sufferers have problems with certain tender points, they also have increased sensitivity to sound, and smell.
8. Sweating…..A Lot
Many people that have fibromyalgia explain that they have issues with sweating and constant fevers. According to experts, this could be caused by a dysfunction with the hypothalamus, which is the almond-shaped area of the brain that controls sleep, sweating and bowel movements.