1. Avocado
Due to their fat components avocados are creamy and blended. They are abundant in a fatty acid that are known as the oleic acid. This fatty acid helps in building the myelin, which can be found in the white substance of the brain. Myelin has a significant role in the speed with which the information travels, and without myelin the neurons deal with the information slower.
More than one third of the fat in myelin is consisted of oleic acid. And that is why, avocados and some other sources like almonds, olives and pecans can be useful for quick messaging inside our brain.
2. Brown Rice
The secret why brown rice has high-energy are the B-vitamins. B-vitamins, more precisely, riboflavin helps in the production of energy needed for brain cells. Other significant B-vitamins found in brown rice that are necessary for optimal brain well being are niacin, inositol, and thiamin.
White rice in comparison with brown rice lacks the full array of B-vitamins. Add brown rice and some of other whole grains in your diet in order to acquire energizing B-vitamins.
3. Purple Grapes
The phytonutrient resveratrol is best known for its healing effects on blood circulation and can be found in purple grapes. Also resveratrol can be found in red wine however we can get a lot of this phytonutrient by consuming purple grapes. With the reduction of the supply of oxygen and nutrients, grapes aid in preventing circulatory disorders that later lead to dementia. Grapes increase the good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) and with this they help in the preservation of blood vessels and prevent blockages.
4. Lentils
Lentils are very small saucer shaped beans that contain iron. This mineral is extremely vital for learning. Iron helps in the creation of myelin, which is inevitable for quick information processing in the cortex. Iron also plays a key role in the creation of healthy red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting the oxygen to the brain. In the end, iron is used as dopamine, a neurotransmitter found in the brain that is very important for mood, learning and behavior.
An unhealthy diet with high concentration of saturated fat and low concentration of plant foods leads to problems with cholesterol.
Individuals with high cholesterol are often confused whether to consume eggs or not? There is a misunderstanding with the consumption of eggs. Our body produces cholesterol, so consuming eggs will not help us in obtaining cholesterol. Eggs can be a simple source of good fat so we can consume few eggs a week.
5. Flax seed
Flax seeds are rich in fats that are healthy for our brain. From the omega 3 family flax seeds contain ALA, which is used to form DHA and EPA. With building and keeping the safe neurons, the brain makes use of these two omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA.
Flax seeds also contain omega-6 fats, which are very helpful in the process of creating healthy neurons and also in controlling the environment of the brain. GLA, a fatty acid from the omega-6 family, is contained in flax seed and aids in the formation of other omega-6 fatty acid known as AA. If you like your brain to be stimulated to the maximum, take 1-2 tablespoons of flax seeds every day. You can put some ground flax seed on your cereal meal or insert it in a smoothie. You can also squash the seeds and put them in salad dressings.
6. Sun for Vitamin D
Vitamin D is necessary for our brain, and our body ingests it from sunshine. Nowadays there is a huge insufficiency of vitamin D. This vitamin plays a significant role in the immune system and also inside our brain, because it helps in the production of neurotransmitters that influent our mood.
Whenever you have a chance, you should expose your skin to some sunshine. And if you live in a place with short sunny periods and long winters, usage of a full-spectrum lamp can be helpful in obtaining more light.
7. Sesame seed
A sesame seed is a healthy brain food, because it contains zinc. This mineral is very important for memory, learning, brain development; it boosts the immune system and handles the enzymes responsible for keeping a healthy balance of trace metals in the brain. To acquire a tasty source of zinc, you should consume hummus or other meals containing sesame seeds or tahini.
8. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are rich with carotenoids, which are very significant for the brain because of the fact that they function as antioxidants and protect brain cells from damage. Even more, carotenoids help in the formation of vitamin A, which is vital in helping new neurons to sprout and to find each other to create new links.
If you want to make a fantastic meal with sweet potatoes you can roast them with their skins and sprinkle them with a cinnamon. Even the fact that sweet potatoes have a sweet taste, they contain less sugar compared to white potatoes. The glycemic index represents the rate at which a food turns into sugar. If you want to acquire optimum brain and body health you should consume more foods with a lower glycemic index, like sweet potatoes.
9. Spinach
The spinach is an excellent source of folate, a B-vitamin that aids the brain in order to keep the healthy circulation. Folate, also known as methyl, is very helpful in the creation of neurotransmitters, which are necessary for all learning and thinking processes. Additionally, folate protects DNA in neurons from possible threats. Finally, folate is helping the liver in the process of detoxification of substances in the body and preserving the brain healthy.