Well, ladies and gentlemen, we can easily say that garlic is one of the healthiest foods on the planet! And yes, I really think that we can all agree on that, right? The good thing is that many people around the world use raw garlic as a traditional remedy to control high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, inherited high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, heart attack, reduced blood flow due to narrowed arteries, and atherosclerosis.
And, you’ll be amazed when we tell you that garlic prevents the creation of angiotensin II, a hormone, and helps relax blood vessels. Garlic is also extremely useful and effective in controlling the LDL cholesterol. Garlic is very powerful vegetable and if you eat it for less than 24 hours our body reacts to this powerful food, for weight loss or as natural remedy prepared to cure certain diseases. The experts say that you should eat six roasted garlic cloves and guess what – you’ll be amazed by the results. Just take a look at the article below and find out more about this!
1st Hour – Ladies and gentlemen, in the first hour, the garlic is digested in the stomach and becomes food for the body.
2 – 4 Hours – After 2 to 4 hours, the garlic helps your body to fight free radicals and existing cancer cells in your body.
4 – 6 Hours – The metabolism of the body is starting to see the benefits of garlic and activates the process of removing excess fluids and burning stored body fat.
6 – 7 Hours – The anti-bacterial properties of garlic, after traveling into the bloodstream, are starting to perform their process against the bacteria in the body.
6 – 10 Hours – During this period, the nutrients have already played a major role on cellular level, and the garlic will protect your body against oxidation.
10 – 24 Hours – After digesting (in the first hour), the garlic in your body begins the process of deep cleaning, including the following processes:
Garlic will help you regulate your cholesterol levels
It will also cleanse your arteries and protect the body from cardiovascular problems
Garlic also lowers and improves the blood pressure levels
Did you know that garlic increases the natural defenses of the body and strengthens the immune system?
Garlic helps prevent the heavy metals from entering your body
Garlic will also help you improve bone strength
Due to its high nutritional content, the garlic helps you to eliminate fatigue
It improves athletic performance
It helps you to improve the longevity of cells
Well, there you have it guys! And this means that you should consume garlic every day and enjoy its health benefits. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.