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Yes, there is a fruit that protects cardiovascular health by augmenting nitric oxide, which supports the functioning of endothelial cells that line the arterial walls. In plain english, this means it can unclog and clean your arteries!

According to WebMD, a new study shows that pomegranate juice may help fight hardening of the arteries. Researchers found that pomegranate juice not only appears to prevent hardening of the arteries by reducing blood vessel damage, but the antioxidant-rich juice may also reverse the progression of this disease.

Here are 9 more benefits:

  1. Pomegranate juice regenerates liver after it has been damage.

  2. It’s rich in vitamin C and in that way it can fight any kind of infections.

  3. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties, it brings down the inflammation.

  4. Reduction of bad LDL cholesterol levels.

  5. According to the researches, it was proven that regular consumption of pomegranate is effective against prostate cancer, breast cancer, diabetes and lymphoma.

  6. It’s great for your teeth due to the antibacterial compounds which can be helpful in preventing dental plaque.

  7. Reduces body fat. A study conducted by the University of Edinburgh, showed that pomegranates can help reduce visceral fat – the most dangerous kind of fat.

  8. Pediatric Research published a study which says that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy helps protect newborns’ brains during traumatic births.

  9. Pomegranate protects DNA as a result of the phytonutrients and antioxidants that interact with your DNA to protect it.

How to select?

Pick it up. A ripe pomegranate should feel heavy for its size; an indication that the seeds are full and juicy. Look for an angular shape and firm skin. Good pomegranate has rich color, and has no cuts or blemishes.

How to store?

It is recommended to store pomegranate at cool and dry place for up to one month. It can last for about two months if kept refrigerated.

How to prepare?

First of all, slice off the top. Than score the skin in quarters and open it up. After that, put each quarter underwater and use your fingers to ream the seeds from the inside. The seeds sink, and the white membrane floats. Pour off the membranes so the seeds remain. Besides eating the seeds raw, you can also use them as garnishes for salads and desserts.

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