Nowadays we are all aware that sugar is bad for the body and health. However, many people seem to disregard this fact. It really is almost impossible to completely avoid sugar because it is an ingredient that you can find in any product. The worst part about sugar is that it causes addiction.
When you consume too much sugar, it will increase the dopamine levels in the brain.
However, when you use too much sugar for a longer time, the levels of dopamine will eventually drop. Therefore, your body will require more sugar so that you won’t become depressed. If you find yourself constantly thinking about something sweet and you can’t resist a piece of cake, you are most likely a sugar addict.
Here are the most important things why you should avoid sugar:
It’s highly addictive
Triggers adrenal fatigue
Weakens the eyesight
Has no nutrition value
Depletes the minerals from the body
Increases the levels of serotonin
May cause arthritis
May engender gallstones
Weakens the immune system
Causes ulcers
Prompts hypoglycemia
Causes premature aging
Increases the risks of diabetes
So, these are the reasons we are offering you a sugar detox menu which will help you ditch this awful addiction.
Breakfast – omelette with spinach and cheese
Morning snack – a handful of almonds
Lunch –cheesy sweet peppers and a romaine lettuce salad
Evening snack – ¼ cup of ricotta cheese, 2 drops of vanilla stevia and a ¼ tsp. of vanilla extract
Dinner – spinach, cucumber, tomato, and feta salad, and grilled chicken
Breakfast –feta and sundried tomatoes frittata
Morning snack – a handful of almonds
Lunch – chicken and spinach with peppers
Evening snack –1 cup of raw veggies
Dinner – turkey lettuce with peppers, mushrooms, and sautéed spinach
You can have few more snacks during this day and eat cheese sticks.
Breakfast – PB & protein smoothie
Morning snack – 3 fried egg whites
Lunch – Turkey lettuce cups, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, and a romaine lettuce salad
Evening snack – feta cheese
Dinner – a veggie soup, and grilled chicken.
On this day you can eat chia pudding as a snack (sugar and dairy-free)
Breakfast – Santa Fe Frittata’s
Morning snack – cheese sticks
Lunch –chicken salad
Evening snack – PB and an apple
Dinner – a crock pot chicken with a bean stew
If you need more food this day, you can eat 1 cucumber with cottage cheese as a snack.
Breakfast – Santa Fe Frittata’s
Morning snack – 1 cup of raw veggies and feta cheese
Lunch – a bowl of soup, tomatoes, cucumber, sweet peppers, and a romaine lettuce salad
Evening snack – a romaine lettuce salad with cucumber, feta cheese, and tomatoes
Dinner – bread sticks (cheesy)
If you need a snack during this day you can eat a chia pudding.
Breakfast –egg muffins
Morning snack – 1 cup of raw veggies
Lunch –bread sticks (cheesy)
Evening snack – 1 cup of raw veggies with feta cheese
Dinner – chicken drumsticks
The additional snack for this day is 3 egg whites (hard-boiled).
Breakfast – scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms
Morning Snack – ½ a cup of cottage cheese
Lunch – Vegetable soup
Evening snack – a handful of almonds
Dinner – Chicken drumsticks and romaine lettuce salad
You can have chia pudding as an extra snack this day.