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The All-Natural Spray That Effectively Removes Household Mold

If you want to get rid of unwanted mold festering in your home without the use of chemical filled products, then follow our recipe for success and banish the mold forever!

Effects of Mold on Your Health

Not all mold you may come into contact with is dangerous to your health, however, certain types of household mold can cause problems. Overexposure can affect your health in many different ways; ranging from allergies and respiratory infections to tumor growth and cancer.

If you are exposed to mold on a regular basis because of your job or where you live, then you may have to wear a clinical mask to help filter the air you are taking in regularly. Even if you aren’t being overexposed to mold on a regular basis, they can still be toxic to your health.

Try our easy homemade remedy below!

How to Spot Household Mold

If you see dark green/ black colored mold growing in your house- don’t panic! Not all black mold is poisonous to your health, to determine whether it is the more dangerous variety you will need a professional. There are also testing kits that you can order online or buy from most hardware stores; some sample the air and others sample surfaces, however, you should only use kits that are shipped to a lab to be tested.

Household molds are classified into categories A, B and C. Category A molds are the biggest health risks, and they should be removed by professionals immediately. Examples include Aspergillus and Stachybotrys (widely referred to as “black mold”). Category B molds aren’t toxic, but they pose an allergy risk to many. They include Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Alternaria. Category C molds aren’t usually an allergy risk, but they can still damage items in your house. An example is Ulocladium.

Below is a recipe that will get rid of that non-toxic household mold (the kinds that don’t spread mycotoxins) effectively and naturally. What’s the secret ingredient? Tea tree oil. Tea Tree oil has been used for centuries and has many modern day uses. According to Main Camp Natural Extracts,  tea tree oil can be used for acne, athlete’s foot, dandruff, toothache and even helps cure a cold!

What Will You Need?

  1. 2 Teaspoons of Tea Tree Oil

  2. 2 Cups of water

  3. A cotton Cloth

  4. An empty spray bottle


  1. Pour the two teaspoons of tea tree oil and two cups of water into the empty spray bottle, put the lid back on and shake.

  2. Spray the solution over any mold affected areas in the house and leave to settle for a few hours.

  3. Using the cotton cloth go around the sprayed areas and dry very thoroughly!

Your home will be mold free in no time and you won’t even have to worry about its effects on your lungs by trying this amazing trick!

If you suspect mold has spread out of reach or beyond what is easily seen, or if the affected area is more than 10 feet squared, be sure to contact a professional to remove it.

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