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Use Fig Leaves to Cure Diabetes And Figs for Lung Inflammation

Whether fresh or dried, the figs are rich in a number of healthy phytonutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. The sweet figs are one of the first fruits in which our ancient ancestors enjoyed. In the Middle East, remains of fig trees aged over 11 thousand years have been found. It is possible that people grew figs before wheat, barley, and legumes.

Except for its existence in the Mediterranean, figs are grown today in many countries of the world. The most widespread and most popular species is ordinary fig (lat. Ficus carica). Each year, it can produce two hundred different kinds of different sizes and colors per day. The mature fig has the shape of a bell or pear, with juicy meat in the interior.

Health benefits

Despite the low-calorie content (only 74 calories per 100 g), figs contain soluble food fibers, minerals, and vitamins. Fresh figs are valued for their abundance of antioxidants such as carotene, tannins, lutein and chlorogenic acid.

In addition, fresh figs contain high levels of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, E and K. Antioxidants protect us from free radicals whose destructive activity can lead to premature aging, dementia, heart disease and cancer.

At the same time, studies indicate that chlorogenic acid balances the blood sugar level. Figs, as well as other fiber-rich foods, help to lose weight and maintain the desired weight.

Anticarcinogenic compounds – benzaldehyde and coumarins – were found in figs. Preliminary medical research has confirmed the potential action of these compounds on prostate and skin carcinoma.

Figs solve the problem of curly eyes and nipples. Overnight, place a half-sliced fresh fig in a painful place. Remove the fig in the morning and wash your feet in hot water.

Dried figs – superfood

Dried figs are a highly concentrated source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They have more calories than fresh – 249 calories per hundred grams. Both fresh and dry figs contain a significant amount of B vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acid.

These vitamins participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The B complex is significant for the brain function, especially for good mood.

Dried figs are an abundant source of minerals of calcium, zinc, potassium, selenium, iron, and copper. Iron and copper are needed to create red blood cells, while potassium is an important component of cells and body fluids, and helps regulate heart rhythm and blood pressure.

Cooked figs like tea, help with brain diseases, inflammation of the throat and lungs.

The leaves from figs are medicinal

The leaves of figs have long been known for their medicinal properties – it treats bronchitis, nipples, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure, skin problems, and sores.

But the novelty is that fig leaves are also extremely good for diabetes. Use fig leaf juice immediately with breakfast.

You can also boil the fig leaves in the water and drink as tea.

Tea from fig leaf against diabetes:

Pour two teaspoons of dry fig leaves with a cup (200 ml) of boiling water. Cover and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then proceed.

Every morning, have a glass of this tea at breakfast.

Use Fig Leaves to Cure Diabetes And Figs for Lung Inflammation

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