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You Should Never Bring Your Smartphone to Bed: Here Are 5 Good Reasons

Unfortunately, we all know that our smartphone addiction has reached an entirely new level of unhealthy when you can’t hit the pillow at night without it beside you. Our cell phones, tablets, computers and other electronic gadgets have become such a huge part of our daily lives that it’s often hard to put them down—even at bedtime. Well, you’re probably think that keeping your phone on your nightstand may not seem like a big deal, but technology affects your sleep in more ways than you realize. Whether you’re surfing the web, playing a video game, or using your phone as an alarm clock in the late evening, you’re probably keeping yourself from a restful night. And, I also think that you’ll be shocked when we tell you that a recent study has found that 63 percent of smartphone users between the ages of 18 and 29 actually sleep with their phones or tablets in their beds. Yes, and you should also know that the experts have discovered that our chronic sleep deprivation is linked to these devices being allowed in our sleep space.

  1. You’ll reduce the “chances” to play games or chat with your friends

Yes, and we all know that this usually starts with a quick scan of your Facebook news feed or just “5 minutes” on CandyCrush. But, it rarely ends there (especially for the younger generations). Late-night texting and phone use among teenagers has only exacerbated their chronic sleep deprivation problems, due to a lack of designated sign-off times. This is very important for you to know – if you stay up late on a daily basis, you will readjust your internal clock, and delayed sleep phase syndrome sets in. Now, your body physically can’t fall asleep until that new, set time, whether it’s midnight or 2 a.m.. This dysfunctional sleep pattern then negatively impacts energy levels and work productivity the following day.

  1. You can read a new book instead.

It’s very simple – just read a good book, instead of wasting your time on Facebook. And no, a reading lamp will not emit the same stimulating blue light as a digital screen, allowing the natural sleep cycle to begin as you wind down. From young adult novels to historical biographies, the written word gives your mind a single track to follow, rather than overwhelming you with stimulating notifications. A recent study has revealed that our memory recall is best if we learn something right before sleeping, compared with learning something and then being awake for a whole day.

  1. You’ll pay more attention to your loved one.

Let’s all agree on this – a loved one is clearly more cuddly than your cell phone, right? And, unfortunately, the technology in the bedroom is one of the main culprits when it comes to a couple’s sabotaged sex life. A recent study has showed that 72 percent of Americans keep their phone within five feet of themselves the majority of the time, and 20 percent of young adults are actually on their phones during sex. Yes, this technological connection is compromising real life connection. So, ladies and gentlemen, If you want to avoid killing the mood between the sheets and improve your overall communication with your partner, it’s best to leave your phone out of the mix.

  1. You’ll reduce your radiation exposure.

Don’t get us wrong, there’s no exclusive evidence that links cell phones to the development of cancer (not yet), but you should be careful, because phones do emit a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation that can be absorbed by body tissues located near the phone. A recent study, conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, has found that such transmissions were “possibly carcinogenic,” and that risk becomes far more relevant during the times you’re holding the phone to your body. The risk is minimal and insignificant when the phone is disconnected from WiFi — or better yet, turned off completely — but let’s face it, most people who sleep with their phones don’t do so with it in airplane mode.

  1. You’ll instantly relax without the phone alerts.

You’ll notice that leaving your phone on or nearby can create a sense of hypervigilance, an experience often associated with posttraumatic stress disorder that involves feeling constantly tense or on guard. Being alert for incoming phone calls, text messages or emails prevents the body from achieving the desired state of total relaxation. Thank you for your time and don’t hesitate to click the share button at the end of the article. Thank you and have a good day.

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